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Factory Drop

Directed by Petja Pulkrabek

In a bleak future in the year 2118, a gigantic skyscraper called the Factory rises above the ruins of the old world. In the dark lower floors, forced laborers toil tirelessly to produce diamonds. Emotions and contact are strictly forbidden. The worker Mia nearly breaks under this existence until she finds an old music box. The melody awakens longings and compels the workers to dance, bringing Mia and the shy worker Juri closer together. But they are discovered and must run for their lives. Mia and Juri flee through the corridors of the Factory and stumble upon an unknown world. On the rooftop, they face a decision: surrender to their executioners or take one last dance together and leap into the unknown.

Plays in

We Don’t Need Roads

This showcase features short films with a sci-fi and fantasy element.

Dates & Times
