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Directed by Leah Claire Borrie

Babygirl is based on the true story of an Italian-American mother from Long Island who has settled into the life of a mobster’s wife. Juggling an infant, a 6 year old, and a sick husband, everything’s under control… until Adele catches her husband trying to skip out on his doctor’s appointment for business. Adele isn’t having it, but compromises, she’ll take care of his business and he’ll go to the doctor. Reasonable… until Isac presents a gun. Surprisingly, Adele doesn’t flinch, but complains, “Where am I supposed to put that?”. They trade places, Isac takes the baby, Adele takes the gun. She arrives at a diner, the pistol against her back, and approaches two Italian men, who dismiss her. Having had enough of arrogant wise guys for one day, she gives them a piece of her mind, but will they take kindly to a woman putting them in their place?

Plays in

Post Date Night

This showcases features narrative short films about everything that happens after the first date and beyond.

Dates & Times
